Education system in Turkey


What a big diversity!

Over the past few centuries, Turkey has been the host to many different civilizations, cultures and religions. You will definitely widen your network in Turkey while you study.

Why study in Turkey?

Close to 8 million students at 207 universities in Turkey and there are more than 60,000 programs. Located at the intersection of East and West, which in the past hosted many civilizations, it is a multicultural country. which has a long history of accumulation Turkey offers rich opportunities for international students combining this knowledge with modern industrial organization and technological infrastructure.

Life in Turkey

Welcome to Turkey

Turkey is an ideal country for students with a safe and peaceful environment. Everyone in this country is tolerant and respectful towards each other. As a student, whoever you ask for help, he will do his best to you with all his sincerity and smiling face. The Turks will welcome you as their guests and offer many treats for you to be satisfied. Make sure you won't miss home here!
Life In Turkey


Education in Turkey, it will be easier to explain with numbers.

86 %

employed in their field of study

93 %

satisfied with the quality of education

174 K

international students in Turkey

85 %

prefers living in Turkey after graduation
